Load QuizSave Quiz Welcome to the Checkpoint 6 Exam. Step 1: complete and pass the question portion of this exam. Step 2: AMG+ members, post your swings in the forum for review. Name Login Email This is the last point in the downswing when you can consciously make a correction. True False Both the hands and club should be on plane. True False Now is when you want to push off the back foot onto the front foot. True False The trail arm continues to... Bend and move in front of the trail hip Maintain its bend into impact Lower and straighten Your maximum hand speed needs to be reached before Checkpoint 6. True False Most amateur golfers produce Tour level hand speeds. True False Pulls and slices most often come from a clubhead that... Is well above the hands Is well below the hands The head should not move foward in the downswing. True False At Checkpoint 6, both the lateral movement and pressure shift should be... Stabilizing Ramping up The hands should be re-centered by Checkpoint 6. True False To complete your exam, post a face on and down the line swing in the forum for review. Time's up