Welcome to the Recording Your Swing Exam. Please complete and pass before moving on to the next course in the System. Name Login Email How many steps away from the golfer should the camera be placed? Under 5 5 - 7 8 - 10 Over 10 How high should the camera lens be from the ground? Head high Shoulder high Waist high Hands high Knee high The camera never lies. True False From down the line, the camera should be behind the... Hands Feet Ball Between the feet and ball Holding the camera at chest height is good for seeing the golfer's... Aim Swing plane Body planes Shirt color Using the "Pro" method, the 3 balls (or stick) should run along the golfer's... Shaft line Target line Stance line Following the steps outlined in this course will give you the most accurate representation of what the golfer is actually doing during the swing. True False Placing the camera higher than suggested will cause the club to appear more shallow than it actually is. True False Placing the camera towards the target line will cause an on plane club to look... More steep On plane More shallow The vast majority of swings found on TV and online are filmed from proper camera angles. True False Time's up